Group lessons
Corporate English
English tutors
Group lessons
Corporate English
English tutors
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1 х 1 tutoring
How do you match tutors to students?
What do I need for my lesson?
How do I book a lesson?
How do I reschedule a lesson?
How do lessons with tutors work?
Who are your tutors?
How do I cancel my lesson?
Self-learning Course
How many languages can I study?
What are self-learning courses?
What do I need to get started?
What is course feed?
Can I take more than 1 course at once?
How do I change the course or add a new one?
Which skills can I train?
How often do you add new lessons?
How much time does a lesson take?
How can I learn English in English?
How do I navigate the course feed?
Group lessons
How do group lessons work?
How many learners are in one group class?
What materials are used during group lessons?
What if I miss my group lesson?
What if my group lesson is canceled?
Speaking club
What is the Conversation Club?
How many people will be on the call?
Where and how are the meetings held?
What if I miss a meeting?
How often are the English-speaking practice classes?
What are the topics for the English-speaking club?
How do I change my name?
How do I change my password?
Can I adjust my learning preferences?
Payments & Subscription
What Payment methods do you offer?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How can I keep track of my payments and subscriptions?
How do I resume my subscription?
What are Promova tests?
Can I take the same test twice?
Are the results accurate?
1 х 1 tutoring
How do you match tutors to students?
What do I need for my lesson?
How do I book a lesson?
How do I reschedule a lesson?
How do lessons with tutors work?
Who are your tutors?
How do I cancel my lesson?
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